TR CU 012/2011 "On the safety of equipment for operation in explosive atmospheres"
This technical regulation of the Customs Union establishes requirements for equipment for operation in explosive atmospheres, the implementation of which ensures the safety of its use in explosive atmospheres.
This technical regulation of the Customs Union has been adopted in order to protect human life and health, property, to prevent actions that mislead consumers.
This technical regulation of the Customs Union applies to electrical (electrical equipment), including Ex-components, and non-electrical equipment for operation in explosive atmospheres.
The identification feature of equipment for operation in explosive atmospheres and Ex-components is the availability of means of ensuring explosion protection specified in the technical documentation of the manufacturer, and the marking of explosion protection applied to the equipment and the Ex-component.
This technical regulation of the Customs Union does not apply to:
- medical devices;
- equipment in the operation of which the risk of explosion arises only from the presence of explosive substances and unstable chemical compounds;
- equipment for domestic and non-industrial applications in conditions where an explosive atmosphere is formed as a result of an unforeseen leakage of combustible gas;
- personal protective equipment;
- sea vessels, vessels of inland and mixed (river-sea) navigation, mobile sea platforms and drilling platforms for work in sea and inland waters, other floating means, as well as machines and equipment used on them;
- public transport vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers and goods by air, land, rail or water transport;
- nuclear weapons, research facilities of organizations of the nuclear defense complex, except for the equipment included in their composition, located in explosive zones.